The Exchange hoped to use Dantooine, which had nearly been severed from the Galactic Republic following the loss of the Jedi Enclave, as their base of smuggling operations. ' As you are here to bolster Khoonda's defenses, I will hurry to the mercenary camp and delay their assault however I can.' ―Jedi Master Vrook Lamar Territories outside the Khoonda Plains were inhabited by salvagers, who sought for Jedi relics in the ruined Enclave, and mercenaries of the Exchange led by Azkul, who participated in the Jedi Civil War under Darth Malak's command. It was particularly aimed at Administrator Terena Adare, the only person on Dantooine capable of uniting the surviving farmers. The main target was Khoonda, site of the local government established after the destruction of the Jedi Enclave. The Battle of Khoonda was a local conflict that followed the catastrophic Jedi Civil War in 3951 BBY and was a major event during the First Jedi Purge. Who will fight beside me?' ― Meetra Surik speaks to the militia just before the battle This is our day, our valiant chance to free Dantooine. The threat real, but I would stand beside any of you proudly as we face our destiny on the field of battle. Generations yet born will look upon this battle with pride and wonder.
Never have the odds been so great or the future uncertain, but today is your chapter, your tale. ' Dantooine's short history has been of rugged people surmounting to difficult odds.